Some youth football coaches fear that by withdrawing their men, they will leave huge gaps in their offensive line which can easily be filled by defenders and cause negative football play. On the face of it, that argument might have merit, but when you look at the details, it doesn’t if you use some very simple tactics, if your offensive line has splits like you see from Texas Tech on […]

Normally, in a regulation target shooting competition, the athletes are given 30 seconds where they can set up their shot and fire their arrow (or round of arrows). Those competitors who have trained using the national training system used by the Olympic shooting team use a 12-step process to prepare each shot. While this may work well in target competition, rarely does a shooter get much time when hunting or […]

Everyone wants to feel safe whether at home, in your car or out and about doing business. Unfortunately, there may come a time when you need some means of self-defense, or some way to protect yourself, your home, or your family. If you’ve spent any time checking out different types of martial arts and training weapons, you’ve no doubt seen stores and websites offering everything from handguns and shotguns to […]

Of course, the first tip is to load your gun before you start finding some birds. Good locations to find pheasants are on a dry lake bottom with a large amount of brush and dead grass ranging from knee to waist, or at the edges of grain or corn fields. Rooster (Male) Pheasant is the one you want to catch. It has a colorful shape with long reddish-brown tail feathers […]