Regardless of whether they are used for hunting or shooting, proper maintenance of bows and arrows is crucial. In addition to ensuring proper firing, this maintenance will extend the life of the equipment. Most novice shooters and hunters don’t know how to properly care for their gear. This is something serious that can affect their performance in their respective fields. Here are some tips on how to maintain your bows […]
Author: ZeroToHero
How to make a crossbow
Have you ever thought of making a homemade crossbow? If you want one that will really fish, it’s best left to the pros, unless of course this is very handy and you have access to a well-equipped machine shop and a good supplier of the quality materials needed. If you’re hoping to build something with which you can destroy some targets in the backyard, or have that opossum play dead […]
Longbow shooting: What vision aids are you allowed?
I mentioned in a previous article that I shoot now and then with a gentleman named Roy, who often shoots longbows. While shooting with him recently, I noticed Roy was using ground markers, something I haven’t seen in a while. There is often a bit of confusion if you shoot a longbow as to what vision aids you can use, and as it often seems, it depends on where you […]
The potential of Kokondo Karate in self-defense
If you are going to take a look at the world of Kokondo Karate, you will probably be inclined to explore Jukido Jujitsu as well. As you’ll discover, Jukido Jujitsu is the sister style of Kokondo, which roughly translates to “The Way of the Past and Present.” However, for now, let’s focus entirely on Kokondo karate. This is one of the most massive forms of karate currently being practiced in […]
Hog hunting gun with Barnes bullets
My weapon of choice is the Ruger Blackhawk 44 Magnum single-action revolver using Barnes 44 Mag 225 HP factory ammo. Ryan Travis and the other great folks at Barnes pitched in about 44 Magic ammo for me for this hunt. I graciously appreciate their support and generosity. If you have a choice in your repertoire, get Barnes. The Ruger is topped with a picatiny rail and a Burris FastFire III […]
6 tips to silence your back
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to stay cool while you’re fishing, one of the best ways to ensure you do is to silence your sleeve. Here are some things you should check: 1. snaps and buckles – Don’t let those snaps and buckles bounce off without tying them on. Metal vs. Metal is sure to be a noise that will startle any animal in the woods. […]
Learn Ninjtusu – applying ancient ninja lessons into modern situational self-defense training
Although the roots of ninja martial arts go far back in the history of ancient feudal Japan, if you really want to learn ninjutsu—the system of mastery of ninja combat and life—a great deal of your training focus must be on existence. Able to deal with real world attackers using contemporary attacks, not the ones that would have been common in Japan in the 13th and 16th centuries! This article […]
The Origins of the Hound – Trace the evolution of the hound
The origin of the hunting dog dates back to 20,000 years ago when Mesolithic man used early dogs to hunt for food, shelter, and clothing. While hunting is a sport now, and rarely used in the western world for sustenance, the old hunter’s life depended on his hunting success. 9,000 years ago the dog’s role changed; This is when cattle were domesticated and the dog was transformed from a hunter […]
Benefits of the V. A Gun Range
This question was asked on a shooting forum a few days ago, and it got me thinking. The poster on the forum said, “Why do I have to go to the shooting range above the shooting range, and what’s the difference?” I shot both personally so I know my own reasons. What are some of the reasons why you should consider going to a shooting range at a rifle range? […]
Deer Hunting – How to pass the time while waiting for your buck
While hunting deer, it may seem that time can go on and on. After all, it’s not like you can entertain yourself with a portable DVD player or even a radio like we do in the “real world.” Just you and nature, and nothing in between. The hunter must find a way to make all parts of deer hunting, not just the tracking and shooting parts, interesting. The hunter may […]